A Convenient & Secure Way to Access Reports & Images

Our Physician Portal is provided free of charge so that providers can see their patients’ reports and digital images.  You can now access reports and images for exams done at any of our vascular laboratory locations. There is no software to download and the Physician Web Portal can be accessed on any PC, laptop or mobile device that runs Internet Explorer version 10 or higher or Chrome. Portal access is also obtained through the internet browser Safari, but it not optimal.


There are two options to request Physician Portal Access:

  1. Submit the Physician Portal Access Request/HIPAA Agreement online form.
  2. Fill out the HIPAA Compliance Confidentiality Agreement form, then email to e-HIM@pacficivascular.com or fax to 425-486-8976

Once we receive your request form, we will send you a username and password with simple instructions on how to set up your computer to access the Physician Portal.

From the Physician Portal you will be able to:

  • View your patients that have been seen in any of our vascular lab locations.
  • View reports and images as soon as the vascular ultrasound exam has been completed.
  • Want to see the report or images from a study done at our vascular lab that was ordered by a provider outside of your office? No problem, just call us at 425-486-8868, option 2 and we will add your name to the roster. Instantly, you will be able to see the report and images on your secure site.
  • To get your secure sign on, please submit the Physician Portal Access Request online form.

✔︎   24/7/365 Web Portal

✔︎   No Cost to Referring Provider

✔︎   Immediate Results

✔︎   HIPAA Compliant

✔︎   Helps Meet Your Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) Requirements

✔︎   Ideal for Providers With Multiple Offices

✔︎   Eliminates Faxing, Paper & Lost Reports