Billing and Patient Accounting

Pacific Vascular accepts all patients and bills most insurance plans including Medicare and Medicaid. Patients are responsible for all co-payments and deductibles not paid by their insurance plans.


Before Your Exam

Please bring all of your insurance cards and information with you to your exam. When you arrive we will ask you to complete a registration form. We will not ask you to pay any deposit or co-pay amount at the time of your exam.

Click here if you would like to fill out and print a registration form ahead of time.

Certain medical plans require you to have a written authorization from your primary care physician. If your insurance plan requires a pre-authorization from your physician, please bring that authorization with you.

Billing Your Insurance

Pacific Vascular is contracted with most insurance companies and accepts Medicare assignments and will bill medical insurance companies directly for the convenience of the patient.

How much your insurance plan pays for our services depends upon the plan design. You may want to contact your insurance company for coverage information before your exam. Certain medical plans require you to have a written authorization from your primary care physician.

We also bill your secondary insurance when you are covered by more than one medical plan. Once your insurance plan(s) have paid, we will bill you for any remaining balance. You may also set up a payment plan if you are unable to pay the balance in full.

For your convenience, we accept MasterCard, VISA and American Express.

If You Have Medicare Coverage:

We accept Medicare assignment. If you have Medicare coverage we will bill Medicare Part B for your services. You will be responsible for paying any unmet deductible and the Medicare co-insurance amount. Many times our patients have secondary insurance coverage that will pay some or all of the Medicare co-insurance amount. Since we accept Medicare assignment, we will “write off” any part of our charge that is above the Medicare allowable charge for your exam.


Contracted Health Insurance Plans:

For Pacific Vascular’s Independent Vascular Labs (Hospital or Clinic associated labs may have different contracted insurance plans)

  • Aetna
  • Well-Point
    • Pre-authorization is needed for Amerigroup Medicare Advantage , however no authorization is required for 93970, 93971, 93975, 93976, 93990, 93985, 93986, & 76706.
  • CIGNA/Great West
  • Community Health Plan of WA
  • Coordinated Care (Washington Apple Health & Ambetter)
  • DSHS
  • First Choice PPO/First Choice Health Administrators
  • Humana Healthcare
    • Some Humana HMO Plans require pre-authorization. Also, contracted with Humana/Seattle Medical Group & Humana/Optum Networks
  • Kaiser Permanente
    • Pacific Vascular is a Kaiser PPO provider, HMO patients with authorization can be seen.
  • Labor & Industries
  • Medicare
  • Molina Health Plan of WA
    • Pre-authorization is needed for Molina Healthy Options and Molina Marketplace through Evolent/New Century Health. No pre-authorization is needed for Molina Medicare Advantage.
  • Pacific Medical Uniformed Services Family Health Plan-USFHP
    • Pre-authorization is needed for all services.
  • Regence Blue Shield-Commercial & Individual Plans & Blue Cross/Blue Shield Out-of-State
    • Some select plans will require pre-authorization through Carelon Medical. We can advise about the specific plans and specific codes that require pre-authorization.
  • Premera Blue Cross-Commercial & Individual Plans; Lifewise Health Plan of WA
  • Regence Medicare Advantage
    • Pre-authorization is required through Carelon Medical; however, no authorization is needed for 93970, 93971, 93975, 93976, 93990, 93985, 93986, & 76706.
  • Tricare
    • Pre-authorization is needed for Tricare Prime (active duty military personnel).
  • Triwest Healthcare Alliance Community Care Network
    • Our diagnostic studies are usually covered under the referring provider’s Triwest Healthcare Alliance authorization.
  • United Healthcare
    • Pacific Vascular is contracted with all United Healthcare Medicare Advantage Plans, United Healthcare Commercial Plans, United Healthcare Medicaid Plans and United Healthcare Individual Plans. Also contracted with United Healthcare/Optum & United Healthcare/Seattle Medical Group.

To verify coverage on any other insurance plans not listed above, call Pacific Vascular’s accounting department at (425) 486-8328.

Pacific Vascular is contracted with most insurance companies and accepts Medicare assignments.

Pacific Vascular is interested in joining other managed health care programs in order to better serve patients. We welcome your suggestions. Please call our accounting department at (425) 486-8328 or (800) 741-3317 toll free in Washington State.

Contacting the Billing Office:

If you have any questions or special needs with regard to billing or patient accounting, we welcome you to call, write, or fax our billing office:

Pacific Vascular, Inc.
Patient Accounting Department
11714 North Creek Pkwy N, Suite 100
Bothell, WA 98011

Patient Accounting
Office (425) 486-8328
Toll-free (800) 741-3317
Fax (425) 424-0168