Commonly Ordered Exam Charges

Pacific Vascular’s charges are the same for all patients, but a patient’s responsibility may vary, depending on payment plans negotiated with individual health insurers. To understand how much you will pay out of pocket, it is important you coordinate with your insurance company once the provider has identified the procedures likely to be performed and the location of the service. Uninsured or under-insured patients should consult with our patient accounting staff to determine whether they qualify for discounts at (425) 486-8328 or (800) 741-3317.

The price of the exam is broken down into Professional Component (PC) and Technical Component (TC). The Global Charge (total charge) includes the TC and PC. A CPT code is a number you can use if you want to call your insurance company to validate your out of pocket expense. These prices are correct as of 12/6/2023.

The charges below are some of the most commonly ordered exams at Pacific Vascular. If you would like an estimate on a service, please call (425) 486-8328 or (800) 741-3317 and we would be happy to assist you.

CPT CODE Non-Invasive Vascular Ultrasound Exam *PC Charge *TC Charge *Global Charge
93880 Carotid/Vertebral/Subclavian artery duplex $   80.00 $   370.00 $   450.00
93886 Transcranial Doppler (TCD) $   80.00 $   450.00 $   530.00
93922 Upper/lower extremity physiologic studies (ABI/DBI) $   35.00 $   165.00 $   200.00
93925 Lower extremity arteries/arterial bypass grafts duplex – bilateral $    70.00 $   435.00 $   505.00
93970 Lower extremity veins duplex – bilateral (DVT assessment) $   70.00 $   505.00 $   575.00
93975 Abdominal arterial/venous duplex (renal, mesenteric, hepato-portal) $  150.00 $   465.00 $   615.00
93978 Aorta, inferior vena cava, iliac vasculature, or bypass grafts duplex $   70.00 $   350.00 $   390.00
93990 Duplex scan of hemodialysis access duplex $   80.00 $   320.00 $   400.00
76706 Medicare Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening $   50.00 $    120.00 $   170.00

*TC = Technical Component

*PC = Professional Component

*Global Charge = Total fee

* The charges are correct as of 12/6/2023, subject to change.

*These prices reflect Pacific Vascular’s independent vascular labs. They do not reflect the charges at Hospital/Clinic associated labs.