To protect your safety, and the safety of all of our outpatients and staff:


  1. You will be asked if you have any COVID-19 symptoms or have been exposed to anyone with symptoms suspected of COVID-19, at time of scheduling and upon arrival.
    • Do you have a sore throat, congestion, cough, shortness of breath, fever or loss of taste or smell?
    • Have you been in close proximity with someone who is currently sick with COVID-19 or other respiratory illness with in the last 14 days?
    • If you answer yes to any the screening questions, then you will need to reschedule.
  2. Patients diagnosed with COVID-19 are not scheduled.
    • You may be scheduled after finishing your quarantine time and cleared by your medical provider.
  3. Patients will be limited to one companion per visit.
  1. Masks are not required for entry at all of our independently run PVI labs, unless you are experiencing any signs of illness.
    • Masks are optional for both our patients and staff.
    • Our patient’s health and safety are still a priority to us and we will continue to practice hand hygiene and infection preventions measures.
    • If you’d like our staff to wear a mask while are in our care, feel free to ask us to do so.
  2. Extra surface cleaning is being implemented
    • A Pacific Vascular staff member will clean and disinfect patient care spaces, including door handles, horizontal surfaces in the waiting area, and other workspaces. Team leaders will assist in delegating and reinforcing routine cleaning of Pacific Vascular spaces.